General Information
Phone Numbers
(717) 264-6626 Option #3
Emergencies: Dial 911
3050 Lincoln Way E

Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

The Community Center

We will begin taking reservations for the upcoming 2025 season on September 3rd 2024, the rates for 2025 will remain the same.

2024/2025 Rates:

Monday - Thursday               $150.00 per day

Friday - Sunday & Holidays $275.00 per day

* An additional $100.00 security deposit is required

(please note that payment is required in full when placing your reservation)

Rental Period is from 6am - Midnight

We now accept credit cards*

*A convenience fee of $3.00 or 2.65% over $113.00 will be charged

Call 717-264-6626 to check for availability